April fool pranks 2015 Ideas Tricks tips easy to do quick

April fool pranks 2015 images SMS quotes best tricks to do quick

April fool pranks 2015 - April fools day is the only day, the people in this world play jokes, fool each other, just receives a humble smile and love back. This day is celebrated by the people all over the world on April 1st every year.The most enjoyable persons in this day are students and youngsters whom make April fool pranks over their friends, relatives, mom, dad, brother, sister, husband, wife, boss, boyfriend, girlfriend and many on. Those persons got fooled on that day own a name called April fools. April fool pranks is the interesting thing to cheat and make fun of others on this day.
We are here to help you with best April fool pranks tips ideas to a cheerful day. We have given April fool tricks, ideas and tips that you make fun of others at home, school, college, office and the places which comforts you to make it easy and also in quick manner. Social media like Facebook, Google plus and twitter plays a vital role in our day to day life.So you can share this April fool pranks, ideas, tricks with your friends and family and make them happy too.

 April fool 2015 pranks easy to do at school college playground

Its the day that everyone in this world wants to make fun of others. Here the April fool pranks ideas we have given definitely makes you to fool others at home, school, office or at any other places where you want. Make sure that April fools day is just for fun and enjoyment and not to hurt others. This April fool tips is best for students that you can do it in your schools, colleges and more.Some of the April fool pranks tips are listed.

Best April fool prank tips - 

1. You can cheat your friend by just sticking a prank written sheet what you want to make over him at the back side by a hug or by cheering him up. And the next moment other friends take care of it. At last when he comes to know that he realises that I am the first at April 1.
2. Offer your friend a coffee with a written words as you like. Here we added the word DOUCHE which means 'extremely unpleasant man'.All the guys laugh over him and he too will laugh with them without knowing that he is fooled.

3. Download mobile cracker application in your phone and install it. When you are with your friend just manage like dropping your phone down. It shows like your mobile display has broken.Keep your face shrinks and show it to him He will be serious at that situation and make him a fool.

April fool prank 2015 simple quick methods to do at home office kitchen

Its hard to fool others without knowing them. But if it succeeds it would be greatest enjoyment at that time.April fool pranks at home, office, kitchen gives you a happier moment.Lets catch those quick and simple method of April fool pranks here.

Quick and easy April fool prank tricks -

1.Print out a life-size face (this can be anyone-someone in your family, a monster, a celebrity, your victim, or even yourself). Attach it to the underside of the toilet seat facing up. Now close the lid to the toilet. When your victim lifts the lid, they will get a scare!.Its too funny and notice the face reactions when they come out.
2.You can fool your officemate by changing the keyboard keys at his desktop keyboard.You can remove some of the buttons of his keyboard and fix it alternately.The words will go wrong when he types and he will go mad thinking there is some magic.But its just a logic that's April fool.

3.You can bake a cake at your home.Cut the lower part of the cake and make it empty.Make couple of water balloons and place it under the cake at the empty place.Now its ready for April fool pranks.Invite any guest or friends and make them to cut the cake.The happy and enjoying moments begins.

April fool pranks 2015 with household harmless waste items

April fool pranks ideas and tricks can also done by harmless things and  household and waste items.Its is simple and cheaper way to fool others with your April fool prank tips.This day is to make others happy and not to hurt them.So harmless items is the best way to make fun.

April fool prank ideas -

1.Place a sheet of bubble rapper under the mat and cover over it. Normally all people step into the mat a little bit harder.Now if they do the same the cracking sound of the bubble rapper under the mat will scare them.You will laugh louder at them and say April fool.

2.You may know about the cup designing.Just get a cut with cigarette wastes painted at the bottom of the cup.Serve anything either coffee,tea or any drinks to your family,friends and you can also invite any guests.At the end of that drink a shocked reaction makes us crazy.At last mention that cigarette waste doesn't sink in coffee fool.

 3.April fool prank using TV remote with crazy on a program liker is amazing.Change the channel which they don't like before they arrive.And then make the remote terminals alternate.When they come and asks you to change the channel you just hand over the remote to them and stay far.He/She will try,try and try without knowing they He/She is fooled.Just go near and say its April 1.